School reopening to all pupils 8th March

Re: Schools Reopening to All Pupils


I hope you all had a lovely half term break and managed to enjoy time with your families. As you probably know by now, the government announced on Monday that schools will reopen to all pupils on Monday 8th March. This is fantastic news and I am sure like me you are really pleased with this decision. The staff at school are very excited about welcoming the children back to Coopers Lane.

We are already making plans and putting in place everything needed in order for the children to return safely on the 8th March. For the most part, everything will remain the same as it was throughout the Autumn term. The government guidance remains relatively unchanged and we will be continuing to work in year group bubbles, keeping the need to mix between year groups to a minimum.

We have updated the parent/carer handbook, which has all the information you need concerning the school reopening to all pupils. You can access this, along with updated drop-off and pick-up times, on the school website Covid page:

In order to give teachers time to prepare the classrooms and to meet in teams to plan for all of the children being back in school, there will be no live zoom sessions or feedback given on Friday 5th March. However, lesson videos and activities will be provided on Google Classroom as normal on this day. If your child has been in school during this lockdown, but you are able to keep them at home on Friday 5th March, we would really appreciate it.

This has been a really challenging time for everyone, but thankfully we can now begin to see a brighter future. Thank you for your incredible support throughout the lockdown, both to your children and to the school. Our community has really pulled together throughout this time and we should all be proud of what we have achieved.

I look forward to seeing you and the children on Monday 8th March.

Kind regards

Paul Hooper

Head Teacher

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Contacting the School

Coopers Lane Primary School is situated in Grove Park in the borough of Lewisham. The entrance to the school is in Pragnell Road, SE12 0LF

School Times

School Day
Mon-Fri 8:45am to 3:15pm,
Breakfast Club 7:30am to 8:45am
Afterschool clubs 3.30pm to 4.30pm
After school Tea Club 3:15pm to 6:00pm

School Office

Telephone: 0208 857 7680

Office Email


Ayse Mehmet – SBM (School Business Manager)

Rachel McCulloch – Senior Admin Assistant

Karen Hill – Admin Assistant/Attendance Officer

Claire Huckle – Admin Assistant